The registration page to sign up for early access for pre-orders and claim the bonus items from the Collector's Edition is now live. Click on the appropriate regional link and follow the instructions below to register:
Click the button to login to the Square Enix members site. Complete the details and submit the form to setup your profile. You should be redirected back to the code entry screen.
Enter the code that came with your pre-order. Select the format of the product you ordered and click, 'REDEEM MY CODE'.
The form will ask you if you are sure. Click 'CONFIRM' to process the form.
If you receive an error, try the following:
Click on your name at the top of the page and open your profile settings in separate tab or window.
If your region is indicated incorrectly (e.g. EU instead of NA), update the region to the correct location.
Reload the code entry form and try again.
My region was incorrectly indicated as EU. I changed it to NA, reloaded the form, entered my code again, and it worked.
* This code is only for early access and the bonus items. The code for your game should be delivered by your retailer prior to launch.
Maple Cookie Admin replied
601 weeks ago