Let's start earning some Free Company points and rank up! The GAF Free Company is replacing our existing GAF Linkshells. If you are already a member of an existing GAF Linkshell, you do not need to ask for an invite. Leaders will begin inviting members into the Free Company as members appear online in the Linkshell. If you were not in any of the GAF Linkshells in phase 4 or did not participate in phase 4 of the beta, please send a /tell to one our officers for an invite. Please keep in mind that we can only send invites when your character is online and not participating in an instance.
In addition to the above, all Free Company members will be granted permission to invite other players to hehlp speed up the recruitment process. Feel free to invite any friends, family, or other players that you are willing to vouch for. You can invite people directly or search for their name in the Social Menu. Just make sure to remind them to register on the site and submit an application.
New recruits that are identified without any affiliation to GAF will be granted a temporary rank without invite permissions and minimal company access. If everything goes smoothly after a trial period of 7-14 days, these users will be promoted to the appropriate rank. Company chest access, company ranks, and other available permissions will be dicussed and determined at a later time.
Maple Cookie Admin replied
591 weeks ago