The contest is over, Christmas is dead and no-one will have to hear Slade for another year; and all the remains is for the entrants to get their prizes!
Wins the award for 'best posing', which is like a real award but with no actual monetarily value. Still, came close!
THIRD PLACE: Apolly Chan
Apolly wins a choice of minion from the chest and 100,000 gil for his entry.
JOINT FIRST PLACE: Krael Bastion and Pellegri Testament
Despite Elliott wishing to deduct points for Pell's petrification picture, both ended up neck and neck. As such, both get their choice of either the first or second place prize ($20 gift certificate, whatever a $ is, or a Sleipnir)! Congratulations!
Tune in for future contests, where Gryvan finally convinces us to have a baking contest, god help us all!
Scything Moon Leaders replied
519 weeks ago