Maple Cookie Admin replied

580 weeks ago

We carefully reviewed and evaluated everyone's nominations in the Free Company Election thread and have made our choices after much consideration. These members were not chosen based on popularity but rather on their own merits and the leadership qualities that they exhibit on a daily basis. They are knowledgeable and skilled players that consistently contribute to the Free Company. These members are exemplary models to the community as a whole, and are the epitome of what our Free Company strives to represent.

We have only chosen one person to add to our administration team of Officers, the rank with the highest level of leadership, authority, and access, and that person is Tiv Einsfell!

We have selected 6 new members for the newly created position of Free Company Leader. Leaders will be assisting Officers in all Free Company management functions. They have a similar level of leadership, authority, and access. Feel free to contact them for any matters regarding the Free Company.

Congratulations to our new Leaders: Elliott Kirkland, Guy Incognito, Mira Mora, Remiel Cathetel, Renault Cathetel, and Xelios Seiken!

last edited 580 weeks ago by Maple Cookie

Mei Hattori Members replied

580 weeks ago

Congrats, Tiv and to all new leaders!

Ryder Croyles Members replied

580 weeks ago

Grats people!

Kirito UrSuLeTzU Members replied

580 weeks ago

I approve of this, congrats to all!
FFXIV Name: Kirito UrSuLeTzU
Server: Ultros
GC: Maelstrom
FC: Gather Against Fate
Class: SMN / SCH / BLM
DoH: Weaver, Culinarian
DoL: Botany, Fisher, Miner

Niah Vormund Members replied

580 weeks ago

Congrats! Whoo-hoo!

Makoto Narukami Members replied

580 weeks ago

Congratulations to those promoted! Well-deserved.

Teknoman Blade Members replied

579 weeks ago

Awesome, onward and upward!

"There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor, work through the tough situations and enjoy yourself".
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