Maple Cookie Admin replied

562 weeks ago

I am pleased to announce that we have two new Free Company leaders! Welcome Drama Zeni and Baramoht Klynhollsyn to the team!

P.S. If you need assistance with anything, please meet Baramoht behind the nearest 7-11 and bring a proper tribute of the grape variety.

Red Xiii Officers replied

562 weeks ago


Kasumi Members replied

562 weeks ago

I hope Bara doesn't mind me dumping my extra grape juice on him. Congrats to Drama and Bara!

ZeroDystopia Members replied

562 weeks ago


Tiv Einsfell Members replied

561 weeks ago

Congrats, you two~

Makoto Narukami Members replied

561 weeks ago

Congrats, you two!

Mariko Shinoda Members replied

561 weeks ago

congratz guys!

Riou Midgard Non Members replied

561 weeks ago

Why not get leaders that aren't always on mumble (and instead use fc chat) or mainly party with their static? Drama and Bara are the same situation as I talked about before, and congrats to them, but maybe add 1 more with the above criteria in mind. Mix up the variety.

Just so you can address all kinds of members. Of course you guys will just make fun of me for voicing my opinion about this and it'll be ignored :P But I rather be made fun of then silent about my opinion.

last edited 561 weeks ago by Riou Midgard

Mei Hattori Members replied

561 weeks ago

Oh no. Drama won't allow me to be dressed as a banana anymore!

Krael Bastion Members replied

561 weeks ago

Honestly thought both were already leaders for some reason.

Oh well, grats!
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