Get Raijin as WHM and I might come too as SMN/BLM or SCH. Although I would be more interested in the new coil turns than anything else since I've cleared all current content. I currently have a non-gaf static but I would be willing to switch if we get a full GAF group with dedicated people.
Get Raijin as WHM and I might come too as SMN/BLM or SCH. Although I would be more interested in the new coil turns than anything else since I've cleared all current content. I currently have a non-gaf static but I would be willing to switch if we get a full GAF group with dedicated people.Kirito UrSuLeTzU
I'm more interested in turn 6-9 and Leviathan EX now.
I wish you the best of luck with your static though, Riou!
As we talked in-game, I want a static and needs to be on Pacific Time. In my thread, Asami and Moara expressed interest. I'm assuming they'd want to be in on this. I don't care who the leader is, I just want a static that knows how to do this stuff, will actually show up, and is willing to learn the new stuff. The only problem is the time. I get off work at 7pm PST. I've been on at that time the last few days because my co-worker is on vacation so I played at the office. However, normally, we leave at 7:30pm and get home around 8:30pm-ish. I'm his ride, so we have to leave by 7:30. I would be able to start at 9pm Pacific.
I currently have i90 WHM (main job), i88 SCH, i82 BLM, i80 SMN, and soon-to-be i80 PLD. I am only comfortable doing T4, T5, Titan EM, and Ifrit EM as WHM. So I would want to main WHM for this group.
Sent a tell to Juro Taichou in-game. He has a small group who wanted to find a static, they have a tank, dps, and heal. If you want. Also the EM Primal LS group has some people looking for statics and play in our time zone.
Riou Midgard Non Members replied
561 weeks ago