Qhon Tayuun Members replied

545 weeks ago

Since the OT has started seeing some GAF players on other servers, as well as those on Ultros, contemplating about joining Ultros GAF for Coil 2 statics, it might be a good idea to compile open Coil 2 static groups and actually see if the FC has any room to accomodate them instead of just scaring them away from the hardcore roleplaying FC that we are. This thread should only be for existing groups (experienced or otherwise, but with at least several dedicated core members already) looking for additional players, and not theoretical groups due to the cost of server transfers; it would be rude to get someone to burn $18 to transfer for a non-functioning Coil group. In addition, groups should be transparent about their progression status; if the other party is 2 or 3 Turns ahead of your group, let them know before asking them to commit to anything.

If groups could follow this formatting when posting in here, it would make it easier for someone to copy/paste it into the GAF OT the next time someone asks if Ultros GAF has any Coil 2 groups looking for members. I'll try to keep this original post updated but because of vacation time I might be a little slow this month.

Group Name:
Job/Role Openings:
Number of current members (x/8):
Timezone and preferred raid times:
Furthest Turn on farm or current progression:
Who to contact on GAF for further information:

*To avoid clutter, individual players should contact groups directly or in their own thread.

Open Groups

last edited 535 weeks ago by Qhon Tayuun

Avatar Korra Members replied

545 weeks ago

Position filled!

last edited 541 weeks ago by Avatar Korra

Qhon Tayuun Members replied

545 weeks ago

Who to contact on GAF for further information: You can contact me in-game. Our leader is no longer in the GAF FC, but we'll put you in touch with them.Avatar Korra

Keep in mind this might get posted on the GAF OT where potential candidates can be off server or can't access the guildworks. Optimistically, we'd get more off-server GAF raiders into the FC increasing the amount of end game players as the existing pool is a little scarce at the moment, not counting alt characters.

I guess my intention with compiling all recruiting groups into one thread is that if someone who browses guildwork and NeoGAF sees a player in the OT who fits the bill for an open group, they could just copy/paste that group's "advertisement" into the OT for them. Or I could just make a weekly post in the OT with all open groups which hopefuly isn't considered spamming.

last edited 545 weeks ago by Qhon Tayuun

Qhon Tayuun Members replied

543 weeks ago

An error occurred while parsing BBCode.

Haman Karn Members replied

543 weeks ago

Group Name: Worst Coil Group
Job/Role Openings: Dragoon or Monk (Dragoon preferred)
Number of current members: 7/8
Timezone and preferred raid times: Tuesday and Friday from 9 to midnight GMT. (1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern). Occasionally we will do extra days if everyone is in the mood.
Furthest Turn on farm or current progression: 6 and 7 are on farm and making good progress on 8. Please know these fights.
Who to contact on GAF for further information: Contact Haman Karn on NeoGAF, in-game, or on Guildwork.

Naji Ferrinas Members replied

541 weeks ago

Group Name: Bidoofs
Job/Role Openings: 1 PLD, 1 WAR, 1 BRD, 1 DRG
Number of current members (x/8): 4/8
Timezone and preferred raid times: So far, anytime after 10PM EST or before 7PM EST. Any time zones are welcome.
Furthest Turn on farm or current progression: T6 last phase
Who to contact on GAF for further information: rocketobear (GAF and guildwork) or Naji Ferrinas in-game

WHM/SCH - Naji Ferrinas
BLM/SMN - Lucyfer Aruva
WHM - Haxo Omega
MNK - Aoi Ookami

Requirements: T5 clear and preferably T6 or further experience.

Qhon Tayuun Members replied

541 weeks ago

Added. I'll probably post in the OT about this thread every reset day.

Naji Ferrinas Members replied

541 weeks ago

Thanks Qhon!

Qhon Tayuun Members replied

541 weeks ago

Took Manderville Men off since I think you guys found a new SMN? Let me know if mistakes were made.

Avatar Korra Members replied

541 weeks ago

Manderville Men found new SMN, so we're full again.
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